PRP for Intimate Rejuvenation
PRP (platelet Rich plasma) can be used to rejuvenate the face and skin, to encourage hair growth and also to improve...

Hot & Sweaty?!
Cosmetic Treatment of Excessive Sweating at Jouvence Aesthetics. What is excessive sweating? It's normal to sweat if you get hot or do...

Problems ‘down below’?
Genital Lesions Lumps & bumps ‘down below’ are very common, but people are often embarrassed about seeking help. Jouvence Aesthetics...

Jouvence Aesthetics- Clinic Reopening!
Due to the coronovirus risk clinic has been closed since Thursday 19th March. Following guidelines from the Government, the Nursing &...

June Update
Hi Everyone, Hoping you all are safe and well? I am very happy to let you know that all preparations are now in place to open Jouvence...

Reopening Clinic 6th July
I am so excited to announce that we plan to reopen Jouvence Aesthetics clinic on Monday 6th July! This does depend on guidelines from the...

Jouvence Aesthetics - Sun Safety at home
Advice for adults and children on sunscreen and sun safety in the UK As most people know sunburn increases your risk of skin cancer. It...

Covid-19 Update 20 May 2020
I am hoping to be able to see patients for treatments in early July, but this depends on what happens over the coming weeks. If there is...

Jouvence Aesthetics Update
The PMs speech last night didn’t give us any date for reopening face to face clinics 🙁 I will continue to offer online consultations...

ZO Skin Peels at Home
I hope you and your family are safe and well? If there’s anything I can help you with during these difficult times please let me know,...