Covid-19 Update 20 May 2020

I am hoping to be able to see patients for treatments in early July, but this depends on what happens over the coming weeks. If there is an increase in cases of coronovirus we may have to remain closed for longer.
I will be following the guidelines from the government, the Nursing & Midwifery Council, the British Association of Cosmetic Nurses, the British Dermatology Nursing Group and my insurance company.
Once we open I will be using PPE as advised by Public Health England and all the appropriate cleaning materials. My clinical room will be thoroughly cleaned before clinic starts, between patients and at the end of the clinic to ensure there will be no virus on any surfaces. Appointments will be spaced out to allow for cleaning and also to reduce the time you spend in the building, social distancing of 2 metres will be maintained apart from during procedures, when I will wear specialised PPE to maintain safety.
I will request that you wear a mask when you come to clinic, if you don't have an appropriate mask we will give you one as you enter the clinic building (the charge will be added to your bill). We will also ask you to clean your hands as you come into the clinic and your temperature will be checked to make sure you do not have a fever.
Everything will initially feel very different and I know it will look strange to see me wearing protective goggles, mask, gown and apron!
I am currently completing Risk Assessments, writing Covid-19 Policies and buying the correct PPE and cleaning products. My background as an NHS matron is proving useful!
Everything is being done to make sure that when we are allowed to see patients again, we can do so safely.
We may also have to phase in different treatments depending on the national situation, so treatments such as skin lesions away from the lower face and botulinum toxin away from the lower face will be safer than treatments to the lower face where you have to remove your mask. Some skin lesion removals may have to be done in a number of sessions so that we are not together in the clinical room for a long time.
Dermal fillers are a particular concern as if someone had recently acquired coronovirus or acquired it soon after filler placement, the fillers may react and cause swelling and lumps. Because of this we will only do fillers if the national infection risk is low. Lip fillers in particular will need extra care as they are being classed as aerosol producing and a special respirator mask has to be worn by the practitioner.
I will keep everyone updated over the next few weeks. We have a priority waiting list for patients who want appointments as soon as we reopen. If you would like to be on the list let me know.
Stay safe and well & I hope to see you soon!
Moira x
