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Worried about skin lesions?

Electrocautery to treat skin lesions

Electrocautery has been used for many years as an effective means of permanent hair removal & treatment for skin lesions. It comes with the advantage of being able to target very specific parts of the body and can be used to get remove or reduce skin lesions & skin conditions such as skin tags, moles, verrucas, blood spots, birth marks, seborrheic keratosis, facial thread veins and skin warts.

Skin imperfections can cause people to feel very self-conscious, but can usually be removed quickly & easily.

Moira Grobicki is a Registered Nurse and Independent Prescriber who is trained in Advanced Electrocautery by the Sterex Training Academy. Prior to working in Aesthetics Moira worked for 37 years in the NHS, 16 years of which included treatment of skin lesions with cryotherapy. Both advanced electrocautery and cryotherapy can be used to treat most skin lesions. Following consultation & examination your nurse will advise which treatment will be most effective for the skin lesions you have.

Skin tags

Skin tags often appear on the body in areas of friction, such as under the arms, around the neck and around the groin. Whilst they don’t post any harm, they can be unsightly and catch on clothing. Advanced electrocautery can be used to remove skin tags painlessly and effectively.


Warts are caused by a viral infection in the skin and can appear anywhere on the body. Electrocautery treatment is an effective way to remove warts from the skin.


Moles are a very common skin condition that can occur in people of any age. Whilst they’re not usually harmful, if they’re in prominent places such as the face, then may be unsightly. Advanced electrocautery can be used to remove/shrink moles very effectively.


Verrucas can be effectively treated using electrocautery treatment. Verrucas appear on the feet and can be uncomfortable, they may spread via communal showers such as those found in gyms or swimming pools.

Blood spots ( Campbell de Morgan spots /cherry angiomas)

Electrocautery can be used to effectively remove blood spots. Blood spots are red, vascular blemishes that can occur at any age but are much more common in men than women.

Age spots

Age spots occur because of an accumulation of lipofuscin as a result of ageing. Electrolysis can be used to remove age spots quickly and effectively in men and women of all ages.


Milia are hard, white keratin bumps that vary in size and are often found around the eyes and cheeks. They can be treated using electrocautery without leaving any marks behind.

Sebaceous hyperplasia.

These bumps are the result of damage, which leads to overproduction of sebum by the sebaceous gland. The damaged sebaceous glands can become enlarged or blocked. This turns them into bumps that may be soft or hard, with a white or yellow surface. They respond very well to electrocautery.

Seborrheic keratosis

Seborrheic keratosis is one of the most common noncancerous skin growths in older adults. A seborrheic keratosis usually appears as a brown, black or light tan growth on the face, chest, shoulders or back. The growth has a waxy, scaly, slightly raised appearance & responds well to electrocautery.


Cysts can vary in size greatly and are caused by a retention of sebum that builds up in a sac under the skin. Smaller cysts can be treated successfully using electrocautery treatment to dry up the contents of the cyst.


Syringoma are small, flesh-coloured bumps that commonly appear around the eyelids and upper cheeks. Electrocautery can be used to reduce the size of the bumps without leaving any marks behind.

Facial thread veins (Spider Naevi and Telangectasia)

Spider Naevi and telangectasia are dilated blood vessels that cause the appearance of redness on the skin. They often appear on cheeks or over the face. They can be treated effectively without damaging the skin.

Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra

Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra is a collection of dark coloured papules that can affect Afro-Caribbean skin. Advanced electrocautery can be used to treat the areas very effectively without causing damage to the skin.

Scars & birth marks

Scars are difficult to treat and whilst electrolysis cannot change the shape or colour of a scar, it can be used to smooth out the skin and remove the raised appearance of scars.

How do electrolysis and electrocautery work?

Electrolysis is a permanent hair removal process that works by treating the base of the hair follicle with a tiny amount of electricity and therefore eliminating its ability to grow new hair. A tiny needle is inserted into the hair follicle and the current is then applied.

Electrocautery also generates energy to heat & shrink various skin lesions or conditions. Different methods are used depending on the type of lesion or condition being treated and include tapping, cutting and inserting the tiny blunt needle.

It is painful?

Electrocautery treatment can be tailored to your specific needs to provide you with an experience that’s comfortable and with minimum pain. There are different methods used and different types of blunt needles to choose from. When you come for a consultation, we’ll be able to decide on the best course of treatment for you.

Can electrolysis be used to treat skin imperfections on any part of the body?

Yes. The only exception is to this are the nostrils and inner ears. Otherwise advanced electrocautery can be used to remove hair and skin imperfections from any part of the face or body safely and effectively.

Is advanced electrolysis only for women?

Absolutely not. In fact many men are now seeking out cosmetic treatments in order to improve their appearance and boost self-confidence.

How many treatments are required?

This will vary from one patient to the next. Treatments can take from 40 minutes to over an hour, depending on the type and size of the area that’s being treated. Factors such as size and number of lesions, your genetics and skin type will affect how many treatments are needed.

What are the side effects?

Side effects of electrocautery are usually very minimal and limited to some crusting and redness around the treated areas for a few days. An area may remain pink for a few weeks after treatment. You’ll be fully advised on the aftercare steps to take at your consultation.

If you have any skin lesions you are concerned about see your GP or book in to Jouvence Aesthetics for our Specialist Nurse, Moira, to assess the lesions and offer advice on treatments or referral.

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